Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Unlocking Audiences In Grid Campaigns

Campaign Manager can be set up to allow you to unlock audience inclusions in Grid campaigns. If you do this, it is important to understand how it affects the Grid's behavior.

To unlock audience inclusions, clear the Lock Inclusions After Start check box in a Grid campaign's Audience tab. This removes the limitation of the locked audience in Grid campaigns and allows Grid processing to continue after the campaign has been started. The audience and grid will recalculate, according to the audience refresh frequency that has been selected. The audience refresh frequency can either be 'Always' (every time a track is processed), or 'On Start' (every time the campaign starts or restarts after a pause). In both cases the grid calculates in full when the audience is refreshed. This could have performance implications, so care must be taken to select the most suitable audience calculation setting.

When Grid campaigns are set to process multiple times, there are a number of implications to consider:

  • The processing of the Grid will act as an extension of the Audience calculation. Recipients must still fall into a Grid cell segment that is included in the campaign audience and processed by the start track.
  • Reprocessing of the Grid when data changes will re-execute cell and variable assignment for the existing audience, based on their new data.
  • Tactics are only implemented the first time a recipient enters the grid.

N per X behavior

The N per X rules are applied from scratch every time the Grid is processed.

Let's use the example of an N per X rule that specifies one recipient per household.

Household members that were excluded in the first run of the campaign Audience (Grid) would be eligible again the next time the Grid is processed. This could result in a different household member being included in the Audience and the previous one excluded, based on the N per X rule. In this case, even if you had an N per X of one per household, multiple people from the household may be contacted during the duration of the campaign. However, only one person would be active at any given time, meaning that no two householders would receive the same Tactic at the same time.

Sampling and unlocked grid audiences

If you are using sampling rules, they are re-applied every time the Grid is processed.

Samples applied to cells will be refreshed every time the Audience (Grid) is processed. Recipients that were excluded in previous runs of the Grid will become eligible for inclusion on subsequent runs.

If a recipient's data changes and they qualify for a higher cell, they will be included in the sampling limits set on that cell. Furthermore, if the cell that the recipient has left has sampling applied, their place could be taken by another recipient. As a result, sell counts in the Grid may not match actual counts in the history tables.


Counts in the Grid screen are a snapshot of the situation at the time the campaign was last restarted.

  • Counts do not update every time the Grid is processed.
  • The counts in the Grid are not cumulative, they represent a single execution.
  • You can obtain current cumulative cell counts by reporting against the campaign history tables and zone/variable assignments.

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